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About Valerie


Looking for a place to laugh, cry (okay... maybe not cry), learn, and overall rethink the significance of life??

Then this is probably the blog site for you. 

My name is Valerie. I am currently a senior at the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg campus. I am slugging through the Psychology B.A. and praying to get into a Masters program in Mental Health Counseling. 

When not doing homework, I work as a Library Assistant. Where I encounter many different situations and people (including but not limited to a wild Mirant and wild Shawn). 

I am not athletic and therefore prefer to spend my time reading, playing video games, watching shows, and sleeping. Having said that, my writing will mainly focus on books, games, movies, shows, and anime. Moreover, I will share my experiences and nighttime thoughts. 

This blog has been co-created by Mirant, Shawn, and myself to share our knowledge and make someone's day. As a first blog, it may be disorganized and chaotic at times but that is what this group is about. We are eager to share our thought and offer companionship to all who look for it. We will write about a myriad of topics and will take suggestions as well. I hope that readers from all corners of the world find some enjoyment in our shenanigans and learn something in every (other) post. 

Welcome to VSM Boulevard!

                                                        ~ Vale


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