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Saturday Weekly Newsletter

Saturday Weekly Newsletter - 2/27/2021

If you’re reading this… you’re probably friends or family that we’ve forced to read our content. If you are not, then welcome!!!! We hope you enjoy our posts and keep coming back each week. This will be our weekly Saturday newsletter where we talk about all of our upcoming content for the week. 

Shawn here:

This week I plan to talk about the recently announced NBA All-Star selections and give a review of this year’s selection. I also plan to talk about anime this week, which will either be a review of a currently running anime “Jujutsu Kaisen” or a catch-up post in anticipation for season 5 of “My Hero Academia.” I still have not decided on exactly what but I will have an anime post of some kind out by next Saturday. If anything else comes up during the week that I want to cover, there may be a bonus post. Until then, I will touch base with you all next Saturday, and feel free to read posts written by Valerie and Mirant as they will talk about other cool stuff. Talk to y'all later!!

Hello, Valerie here! (if you get this reference, you are cultured)

This week my post will be mainly published during Valerie Friday. I will release my very first book review. Unfortunately, I have to start my book reviews with a low rating book… It just wasn't my cup of tea. The book I will be reviewing this week is A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik. While the majority of people seem to have enjoyed this book, I just simply could not get into it. It was written beautifully and had gorgeous world-building but had a few things that lessened the experience for me. If you want to know my full thoughts on this book, go ahead and join me on Friday afternoon. 

I will also publish another article surrounding the news about Avatar Studios. All of us here at VSM Boulevard are super excited about the announcement from Nickelodeon. So excited that we have compiled a list of things that we want to see from Avatar Studios.

If time allows, I will make an additional post sometime in the week about my thoughts on Womxn. If you do not agree with my opinion, that okay. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

That is all that I have planned for the week. If you are hungry for more content then please go ahead and read the posts written by Shawn and Mirant. 

If there is anything else you guys would like me to blog about, go ahead and leave a comment below. So I hope to hear (more like reading) from you guys soon!

Hello Brads, Chads, and genuinely top Lads! 

Mirant here to tell you about my upcoming blog posts for the week. Firstly, it’s European Championship season baby! I’m covering everything from this past week's Champions League and Europa League matchups. I’ll give you my top five goals of the week and my favorite celebration. Next up I’m diving headfirst into the world of music. Just a general overview of musical composition and what I enjoy listening to, including my “Biggest Bop of the Week”. Later on, in the week I’ll be releasing my thoughts about Ellie Eaton’s debut novel The Divines. There will be spoilers so do make sure to read the book beforehand! 

Be sure to check out Shawn and Valerie’s posts for more exciting content! Be sure to leave feedback and well wishes in the comment section!

Goodbye! Adios! Arrivederci! Au Revoir! Auf Wiedersehen! Sayonara!


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