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Top 6 things we want to see from Avatar Studios

Did you enjoy watching Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)??

We sure did! Boy, do we have such great news for all Avatar (not talking about the blue people) fans. 

Our heroes Micheal Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko (Bryke) have now officially launched the Avatar studios. Now, all Avatar-related content will be created under this new division from Nickelodeon. Leading this studio, Bryke will be a part of and manage a new era of Avatar content for many generations to enjoy. 

With news that there will be a myriad of new series and movies, there is a lot for fans of the original series to look forward to! This is a great step forward and a ray of hope, especially after the fallthrough with Netflix. 

Having said that, here is a list of the top 10m things we want to see from Avatar Studios:

1. A series of Sokka and Suki in their adult life. 

As a hard-core Sokka fan, I was disappointed in the lack of appearances from Sokka in The Legend of Korra. We only got to see his glory in one scene. The fans never got to see Sokka grow old, or even know if he got to grow old. What I would give to see him bash criminals with a boomerang is something that cannot be bought with money. 

Sukki on the other hand got nothing! A disrespect to the entire fandom, as she is a fan favorite. Sukki not only was a fighter but an educated feminist without realizing she was. Besides, if it weren’t for Sukki, Sokka never would have learned that his misogynist ways were horrible. It is all thanks to Sukki that Sokka became the lovable feminist that we all know. 

Sokka is the perfect leader and comedic relief and deserves his show or at least his mini-series with Sukki. A power couple for the ages. 

2. Iroh backstory 

No explanation is needed. But in case you need one, go rewatch all of Avatar and then come back. 

This character is irrefutably the best character to have been created in the Avatar universe. He is a kind and caring soul who has gone through many hardships. He is a character who does not let his past define him and creates his own path that leads him away from the fire nation. For that, he is even more honorable. 

Throughout the show, there were countless seeds dropped about Iroh’s past that has left many wanting to learn more. Avatar studios should nurture those seeds and create a series from Iroh’s years as a General in the Fire Nation Army to his transformation into the spiritual and wise uncle persona. 

3. Second avatar after Wan

There was probably absolute chaos and I want to see it. (All Ronnie’s words) Imagine the confusion of the second Avatar. Of course the people of the time, at least some of them, were likely aware of this new “avatar” thing. But I don’t believe anyone, even Wan, knew that the avatar would reincarnate, let alone how it would happen. The avatar is an incredibly mysterious being and there are still many things that we do not know.

 Now think for a minute about all of the people of Wan’s time who didn’t get to witness his story first hand. The amount of questions, concerns, and conflicts that would likely arise from this is through the roof. It would be awesome to see how this new avatar learns to understand their abilities. As well we could see how the people react and adapt to the ongoing changes of their world. 


I understand that there are already two books published about Kyoshi…….but……. Why not animate it…?

Kyoshi is one the most powerful avatars to have lived. It would be a shame to never see her bending fully animated for the screen. In addition, we would see the expansion of the universe that F.C. Yee had created this wonderful duology. 

Kyoshi’s story is amazing and is definitely telling for those who do not prefer reading books. Moreover, this would allow for the the animation industry to create more representation towards the LGBTQ+ community. As Kyoshi herself loved both men and women. There is still space for the creators to grow and expandthis character and her life.

5. Avatar after Korra 

After the events of season two, one of the biggest questions has been about the link between the reincarnated avatars. 

Seeing as Korra is now the first avatar of a new cycle, she will be the only person the next avatar will be able to talk to. But in the comics, after LoK ended, we see Avatar Korra writing letters for the future avatar in case there is no link between them. This begs the question: “Will the following avatars be able to talk to each other?” 

Into the bargain, the next avatar will be an earthbender! This makes me the most excited as Earthbending has brought many creative and intense fights. Earthbending has also brought many special techniques like metalbending, sandbending, and lavabending. Think of the possibilities, the next avatar could very well be a sandbender! Something that we as a fandom have not seen.

6. Whatever in the world Bryke want because I trust them with my life

Let’s be honest, Bryke probably has a plethora of ideas that we would never even dream to think of. No matter what they come up with and decide to create I am sure it will be full of incredibly creative artistic visions that are well worth our time!

    Even if they create something that is outside the Avatar Universe, I would still watch whatever they birth from their brain. 

If you have anything that you would like to see from Avatar Studios, go ahead and leave a comment!

~ Vale & Ronnie :)


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